The process of figuring out which command had caused the GPU crash is now resolved with this awesome feature that supports developers to track down what exactly had caused this crash. In simpler terms, MSAA smoothes ragged pixels and enhances the visuals of the game by correcting the sharpness of the image. MSSA (Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing) and adequate anti-aliasing technique that links quality with speed, this feature acts as a channel for the exchange of information between applications and technologies. The process of converting 3-dimensional scenes into 2-dimensional images takes time, but with the help of GPU it happens 60 times a second, that’s pretty quick for high-end games. So, the basic function of GPU is to parallel render calculation instead of consecutively for better understanding let’s take an example. The traditions that the systems use to process is as it can resolve most of the computation, but to process out of CPU limits GPU was developed to perform better than CPU in graphically intense applications.