Release 2.0.0 is the first true update since release 1.1.1, and all changes mentioned in the changelog are changes from release 1.1.1. This changelog includes all changes from the releases Beta 1 to Beta 3.
removed the following items from chest loottables: flint, gold nuggets, iron nuggets, mushroom stew. removed the following blocks from being spawned by the infinite block: coal block, emerald block, gold block, iron block, lapis block, redstone block. increased the block destruction caused by newly spawned monster parties.
a message gets shown in chat if a monster guard despawns after 7.5 minutes. mobs from monster parties are now automatically killed after 7.5 minutes instead of 5 minutes. villagers and wandering traders now spawn with a name randomly chosen from 52 names. dolphins, fishes and squids spawned now received 10 seconds of resistance to prevent them dying right away. reduced amount of polar bears and pandas spawning. gift of phase 4 was changed: added trident, but removed pufferfish or tropical fish buckets. halved amount of snow blocks spawning in phase 4. decreased block amounts in first phases and increased block amounts in later phases. weather is now clear for at least the first 1000 blocks mined from the infinite block. This can be left dark as a mob spawner or lit to prevent mobs at the player's discretion. "Tray" expanding below the main level. Place a ladder and drop back down to the bottom perpendicular block you placed and build/expand a lower level or "tray" 4 blocks below your original SkyBlock.
Hop out of the water, pick up the water with the bucket.Swim back up for air, then drop back down through the water to place a single block perpendicular to your column at the bottom of your column directly under your original hole. Drop down and place 4 blocks of cobblestone in a column/tower going down.
You can do this by opening a one-block hole in your cobblestone and placing a bucket of water into it, creating a waterfall that you can swim down through.To avoid losing dirt blocks, create a platform or "tray" underneath your SkyBlock to catch anything that falls off the top.This slab method also has the advantages of preventing mobs from spawning in dimly lit areas. If you craft cobblestone slabs, you can double the surface area you can create with the same amount of raw material.Once you have a supply of cobblestone, extend your platform to the bottom of the island and collect the dirt, taking care not to mess up the cobble generator. Continue to generate and harvest cobblestone.